therapy with tegan

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At the point of seeing Tegan our relationship was empty, joyless and purely functional. It was sexless and underscored by numerous
arguments. It was probably only the fact we had children together that was keeping us together. Aside from that it was miserable
and numerous previous therapists had been unable to help. Tegan was able to help us by providing care, warmth and empathy. The
sessions were over zoom but that didn't inhibit the therapeutic relationship whatsoever. Tegan was able to relate to us and also use
a variety of techniques to explore (and repair) issues from our past and  heal in the present. The therapy we experienced with Tegan
was so much more advanced than any therapy we had partaken in, in the past. Tegan has a way of helping both individuals in a
relationship without ever appearing to take sides. She also used a combination of techniques and tools to effect change. Today our
relationship is in a far better place: we argue rarely and have found ways to appreciate each other. We spend quality time together
and have sex on a regular basis. The relationship is stable and we make plans to spend time together rather than avoid each other:
the change has been stark and we're incredibly grateful for all of Tegan's fabulous help. A big thank you and appreciation to Tegan.

- Couples therapy; 46 year old male, heterosexual, 2024

After 8 years of marriage me and my wife had found ourselves in a position where communication was lost, our sex life non
existent and at a point where divorce was being considered. We at this point decided to engage in therapy with Tegan over Zoom,
which began on a weekly basis. It allowed us to really open up and talk about historical traumatic events in our lives which were
subconsciously having an impact on our relationship and how we communicated. Tegan helped us introduce practices that helped us
improve on our communication aswell as our sex life. Months on and our relationship has never been stronger. It was with Tegan’s help
that we came to realise the importance of communication to ensure a healthy and love packed relationship. Although reluctant at the
beginning in doing therapy over Zoom I can confidently say that it was a comfortable experience that luckily worked for us and
fundamentally saved our marriage.

- Heterosexual couple, 2023

Having experienced a tremendous amount of trauma in my life and realising that I was about to enter a new chapter in my dating
journey, I decided to find a therapist as I found myself ready to explore solo polyamory as well as my sexual orientation. I interviewed
a few therapists, and Tegan was by far my favourite. She came across as quite genuine, knowledgeable and extremely caring. I have not
had a sex therapist in the past; however, I have been in therapy many times, and usually, sex was the part that was the hardest for me
to integrate into my therapy as I felt very judged and misunderstood, so this time around I decided to turn it in its head and go for sex
therapy so I can address everything that has been neglected during therapy in the past. For the last three years, Tegan has been an
absolute lifesaver; not only has she helped me settle into polyamory in ways that I couldn't even imagine when I started this journey,
but she has also been able to give me support in other significant areas of my life such as intergenerational trauma. She is such a
well-rounded therapist that anything that shows up in sessions can be deeply explored, making me feel fully seen and heard.
Furthermore, she is excellent at recommending frameworks, techniques, and books that take the therapy further, and she also fulfils
my curiosity to find my resources between sessions. I can't recommend Tegan enough; she is simply an extraordinary human being to
have in your support system. I feel extremely lucky
to have found her.

- 43, female, pansexual, non-monogamous, 2023  

I came to Tegan to try to unblock some unhelpful thought processes that were hindering my girlfriend and I having sex, and
to address some broader discomfort I had with our relationship. Tegan and I worked over Zoom which made it easy to create
a safe and confidential space at the times which suited my lifestyle. The exercises Tegan took me through helped me to recognise
physical and emotional feelings and to connect these with my thoughts. She then helped me to recognise when my thoughts
would lead me down unhelpful paths, and worked with me to be able to take different paths when those moments arise. Tegan
also introduced me to new concepts which have changed the way I see myself and relationships for the better. 
All this not only improved our sex life, but also how I communicate and make my decisions in my relationships. I feel more alive,
present and confident in myself and with others as a result. 

- Male, 43 y/o, heterosexual, 2023

I came to Tegan following a change to non-monogamy in my relationship, which triggered a lot of performance anxiety and
scenarios I hadn't experienced before. During the sessions I always felt very comfortable and welcomed, the holistic approach
and the exercises of connecting triggering feelings back to my body were something new for me, and it's been by far the best
experience in counselling I've had. The process done via Zoom was very valid and went smoothly, as I could also continue my
sessions when I was travelling and not stop the continuous process.

- Polysexual male, 35y/o, 2022

When I came to therapy, I had not enjoyed sex for a long time. I felt disconnected from myself and others. But Tegan
welcomed all of me without judgement. I felt safe and able to open up and it was possible to establish a strong, supportive
therapeutic relationship over zoom. Tegan's empathy, challenge and creativity helped me connect with my body and my
feelings in a way I never had before. As I started to explore different approaches to sex and relationships in my everyday life,
our regular sessions kept me grounded and, over time, helped me become a truer version of myself. Along the journey, there
were painful times, and strong emotions came out, but Tegan was able to hold space for me and, in doing so, enabled me to
grow in completely unexpected ways. I have changed my relationship with my sexuality - it is now a source of joy, rather than
anxiety. At the same time, I have grown spiritually and psychologically. I am so grateful for the time we spent working together.

- Heterosexual male, 37y/o, 2022

Tegan has been incredibly helpful in guiding my partner and I through our journey to open up our relationship. She
provided us with abundant information on non-monogamy, and helped us draft our agreement and navigate the
difficult feelings that came up along the way. Her therapies also led us to redefine our understanding of sex and intimate
relationships through a more liberating and authentic lens. Personally, I grew to be a lot more at ease with my body
and asexuality, while my partner became more confident in himself. Overall, we find her very compassionate, non-judgmental
and queer-friendly, and we would highly recommend her to any couple that need help with transitioning into non-monogamy.

- Non monogamous couple; 24y/o heterosexual male & 22y/o queer woman, 2022

I went to Tegan because I was struggling with pleasure and climax during sex and it was having a negative impact on
my relationship. While I expected to get in touch with my body and unpack the blockages in my mind (which Tegan
really helped me to do), what I didn’t expect was to learn quite so much about myself. I found my sessions incredibly
empowering, and my time with Tegan led to a total overhaul of how my relationship functions, which in turn has paved
the way for more enjoyable and pleasurable sex. I’m sure we would not still be together had I not come to therapy, and
I can’t thank Tegan enough for that.

- Heterosexual cis female, 26y/o, 2022

I came to Tegan feeling like I lost my sex life due to a traumatic termination. I was afraid to have sex and even
the thought of having sex with my partner of 6 years filled me with anxiety. After each session I felt myself healing,
processing and finding my sexual being again. I found the experiential work with Tegan transformative inside my sex
life and outside of it. Tegan's approach was warm, welcoming and accepting which was what I needed. I was still able
to feel safe and contained even working online. Thank you for aiding in my healing and finding my sexual being again.

- Queer cis female, 27y/o, 2021

I sought Tegan’s help after going two years without having sex with my partner of eight years. With Tegan’s
help I have been unable to unpack some of the trauma I had carried with me from childhood and from previous
sexual partners, and as a result have been able to reignite intimacy with my partner and feel more conformable
with my own sexuality. I found Tegan’s approach to be very calming and highly intuitive. I really benefitted from
her holistic approach to therapy, reconnecting with my body and learning how to inhabit my own safety. Tegan
also really helped me with generalised anxiety and shame, and as a result of therapy I feel more comfortable with
myself as a person, which of course, has helped me overcome significant difficulties in my relationship.

- Heterosexual female, 32y/o, 2021

My wife and I decided to go to therapy as our relationship was almost at a point of ending. We had
lost communication with each other, our sex life had almost died and I was searching outside the marriage
for sex. We contacted Tegan, and from the very beginning we both felt comfortable opening up to her. Over
the sessions Tegan was understanding, intuitive, calming and supportive. Our marriage now, has never been
stronger. We have learnt through Tegan's help, how to communicate with each other and to be more aware
and responsive to each others needs. Tegan has definitely made all the difference. We can't thank her enough.

- Married Lesbian couple, 48yrs & 51yrs, 2021

Thank you so much - it has been an absolute joy working with Tegan exploring my sexuality in a safe
and creative environment. I have discovered so much about myself and my relations with others and
am deeply impressed by the warm and professional approach throughout.
I found the process of working online with Zoom very easy and rewarding and found being able to setup
my own therapeutic environment at home helped the process along.

- Bi-leaning male, 46y/o, 2020

I came to see Tegan to explore my erectile dysfunction and childhood sexual abuse. 
I’ve heard many people struggle and have to change therapists regularly until finding the right one that fits so
finding Tegan at my first attempt was so relieving. I found Tegan very calming and caring from day one. I would
actually look forward to the sessions and always felt in a better place after. I found her approach really useful
and respectful and helped me in ways beyond what I initially went in for. 
I now have so much more self love and acceptance and have no more issues with ED. I feel if any issues come
up in the future I have the tools and experience now to deal with it. I’m currently very happy sexually in my
relationship and couldn’t be more grateful for Tegan’s help.

- Heterosexual male, 25y/o, 2020

I had been struggling with vaginismus for many years so I decided to give sex therapy a go.
Vaginismus has affected my life considerably and made penetration impossible for years. Tegan has
such a refreshing approach to bringing up and working with uncomfortable issues which made it
possible for me to open to the idea of working with dilators. Using the dilator alongside therapy with
Tegan transformed my life in so many ways. I can finally have and enjoy penetrative sex! I also know
what I like and want sexually which has made a big difference!

- Heterosexual female, 35y/o, 2020

Tegan is a compassionate and insightful therapist who is truly committed to helping her patients
find new ways of relating to one another. She has helped us navigate conversations that previously
felt intractable. We have both seen many therapists before, and can confidently say that for the first
time we feel like a therapist has helped us make real progress as individuals and as a couple.
She has been enormously helpful in guiding us through the process of better understanding our
pre-existing relationship patterns and learning to communicate and make space for each other.

- Gay/Queer couple, 29 & 28y/o, 2018

Going to see Tegan completely changed the way we see our relationship with each other and also
ourselves, both for the better. It could be challenging at times, but also a lot more fun than either of
us had expected.
There’s no doubt that it’s the best thing we could have done, and we’ll always be so grateful for
Tegan’s patience, understanding and guidance. She’s incredible. We are now able to have penetrative
sex after nine years and our relationship has been enriched in many other ways!

- Heterosexual couple, 36 & 37 y/o, 2020

I was brought to Therapy due to a lengthy arduous battle with depression and thoughts of suicide,
which was mostly conceived by an unhealthy view of my sex life, which bled through to thoughts
about my own self worth. I was apprehensive to enter the realm of Therapy but have realised how
invaluable it has been to my life now. It changed my perspective of some of my issues to the point
where I have made significant breakthroughs which absolutely wouldn't have happened if I didn't
take this vital step. It was a pleasure working with Tegan and felt overwhelmingly comfortable in
speaking about topics one wouldn't usually be open to. My sex life and life in general feels so much
better and I have much more clarity to control certain aspects of mental health and sexual health
ongoing. I would not be at this stage in life without the guidance of Tegan.

- Heterosexual male, 25y/o, 2020

Having avoided my issues of erectile dysfunction for a few years, blaming it on other factors or just
hoping it would fix itself. Eventually approaching a sex therapist felt like the right thing to do. My
sessions with Tegan were always dealt with utmost care and privacy and the relaxed atmosphere
Tegan facilitated provided me with the confidence to address some deep historical issues. The
therapy ended up not just benefiting me sexually but has also resulted in a more content and happy
mindset generally, and a higher level of awareness on a number of other issues. I can’t recommend
Tegan more highly or thank her enough.

- Heterosexual male, 30y/o, 2017

I have suffered for over six years with unexplainable vaginal pain which took conventional medicine
years to diagnose and is still not understood.  However, Tegan has been able to work with me to
identify the emotional source of this excruciating pain and to help release it from my body.  Tegan
is incredibly intuitive, knowledgable and caring and the results of working with her are truly remarkable. 
I am incredibly grateful to her for both healing my femininity and the tools that she has provided me
with for a happier and healthier life going forward.

- Heterosexual female, 38y/o, 2017

We sought out therapy as we weren’t feeling happy in our relationship since our first child was born
2years ago. My partner and I saw Tegan for relationship counselling and it was one of the best
decisions we ever made. She gave us the space to deal with issues in a calm manner. Her manner is
professional and warm and we both felt very comfortable in her presence. She listened carefully,
encouraged us to be very open, and gave us techniques for better communication. I think we both
looked forward to our weekly session, even though we probably dreaded the first one, and we always
came out of it refreshed.. it made us kinder to one another.

- Heterosexual couple, 39 & 38 y/o, 2017

I have found a place of calm and security during my sessions with Tegan. I've learned techniques and
ways of thinking about my feelings that I can refer to when I feel anxious or depressed. I've been able
to reflect on past issues I've discussed in sessions and learn from them when similar issues arrive in the

- Genderqueer lesbian, 23y/o, 2018

 Tegan makes you feel immediately comfortable by creating a non-judgemental space to bring whatever
you need to discuss each week. Within two months of sessions, I had huge breakthroughs with my
anorgasmia difficulties - something I genuinely thought was impossible for me. More importantly, our
sessions have made me reconnect with myself, and my relationships with family and friends have
improved as a result. Thank you Tegan!

- Heterosexual female, 25y/o, 2019