Sex therapy

Choosing to explore your sexuality with a therapist is a very courageous step to enhancing the quality of your life. Tegan facilitates a comfortable, safe space and assists in finding practical ways to improve sexual functioning, understand your sexuality, increase intimacy and enhance sexual health.

It will benefit you to work with Tegan if you have a desire to understand and explore:

- Struggles with orgasm or erections
- Difficulty/inability/pain with penetrative sex
- Fantasy & attraction
- Loss of desire/arousal
- Non monogamy
- Sexual abuse & trauma
- Kink and BDSM
- Transitioning & gender

Schedule an appointment here.


Relationship therapy

It is very normal for relationships to go through challenges and changes. Navigating these nuances are especially difficult when you don’t have the right tools. It takes commitment, prioritisation and active work to create the relationship you want! Tegan provides a safe space for you to identify and move through the blocks that get in the way.

Tegan works with people in long-term, new and non-monogamous relationships and family dynamics. It will benefit you to work with Tegan if you are looking to:

- Understand each other sexually and try new things
- Navigate non monogamy or are opening up your relationship
- Enhance intimacy, sex and connection
- Address sexual issues and learn how to talk about them
- Address tensions, effectively communicate and implement maintainable change
- Increase awareness in your relationship & grow together
- Understand affairs & overcome their impact
- Manage divorce/separation & family transitioning

Schedule an appointment here.