The below list will take you through exactly what you can expect when booking a session -

  1. Your first point of call will be to contact me.
    You can do this via my website or any one of my profiles: COSRT, Counselling Directory, Psychology Today

  2. When contacting me please include:
    - Name
    - Email
    - Phone number with area/country code
    - Brief description (a sentence or two) of your reason for wanting therapy

  3. You can expect a response from me on the same day but can range between 1-2 working days. When I respond it’ll be to arrange an introductory session at a day and time that works for both of us. The introductory session:
    - Gives you the chance to see what therapy is like with me
    - Gives me a chance to take an assessment to see how best we’d wok together.
    - Is a paid, full hour session.

    If it’s important that you touch base with me before the session I am happy to offer a 10minute phone call free of charge.

  4. Before we meet I will send you my Therapy Agreement - a contract like document outlining the rights and responsibilities of therapy if we are to move forward working together. This will need to be signed before the introductory session.
    **Please note that you are not locked into anything when you sign this. Only when/if you decide to move forward with therapy after our introductory session will the agreement apply.

  5. After the introductory session I will advise to take a couple of days to see how the session felt with me.
    - If you decide you would like to move forward with our work together simply email saying so. Together we will agree a time/day that we will meet each week.

    - If you decide you don’t want to move forward simply drop me an email saying so and we can close it off then and there.

    I hope you now have a better idea of what to expect if you are thinking of/wanting to book a session. If you are still left with questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Tegan Hecht