Due to increasing technological advancements online therapy is becoming more and more popular.
I conduct my online sessions via Zoom for couples and via Zoom, Whats App or Facetime for individuals.

Requirements for online sessions are

  • A private space

  • Confidence that you will not be interrupted or overheard

  • An understanding that technology/Wi-Fi connection can at times be unreliable and a small
    amount of this is to be expected. In the case that the session becomes impossible both
    the client and myself will be responsible for upgrading the necessary systems for the
    therapy to continue.

Despite concerns, online therapy keep proving to be beneficial and a very accessible resource. Many
of my clients are surprised by how supportive and transformative their therapeutic process has been.
Here are some perks of online therapy:

  • You can be as comfortable as you’d like to be in your own home eg. Blankets, lying down, walking in
    backyard in the sunshine, endless tea/snacks 

  • You don’t need to carve out time to commute to therapy. 

  • It can seamlessly fit into your everyday reality, as well as being accessible during lock down.

  • You have more time for things you may miss by commuting to therapy eg. Dinners with your family,
    missing that sleep in before work

  • Isolation is bringing up a lot of emotion, tension and restlessness. Online therapy is a great resource
    to explore and feel supported in this time of uncertainty 

  • Maybe there has been something you wanted to address in yourself or with your partner that you
    didn’t have time for outside of lock down. Now is a great time. 

  • What makes therapy personal is that you are opening up in a way you don’t usually with others and
    are being seen and heard. This doesn’t rely on being face to face to cultivate and the therapeutic
    process can be just as beneficial.

  • I have found that my online clients have ended up being quite surprised at just how much they
    connect online and some will continue online after lockdown.

Tegan Hecht